By daddy-o - 14/03/2012 07:51 - United States

Today, my girlfriend called and said she had great news. Turns out I've cured her of that illness she gets every month. FML
I agree, your life sucks 34 790
You deserved it 20 837

Same thing different taste

Top comments

brokenangelexy 13

Don't be silly wrap your willy!

I want to know if this is just your cute way of writing, or if she's really too dumb to realize that she's pregnant.


You prick is that what your going to tell your child when it's born? That it was a mistake and you had a winge about it on the net. How about support your girlfriend and pull your head in. You disgust me the way you talk about women

Have fun paying $250,000 from birth to 18, not including college.

Twisted_Angel 17

Well, on the plus side you don't need to worry about protection anymore... although that doesn't sound like it was ever a problem.

daa2138 0

Congratulations is in order? having babies does not look like fun to me, but good luck, wish you all the best

conqueror57 11

Eff you, punk. "Illness" implies an abnormality or something "wrong." Grow the eff up. It's natural. Please abort the fetus before you infect it with your stupidity. And do us all a favor, learn to use birth control!

mustberachel 2