By daddy-o - 14/03/2012 07:51 - United States

Today, my girlfriend called and said she had great news. Turns out I've cured her of that illness she gets every month. FML
I agree, your life sucks 34 790
You deserved it 20 837

Same thing different taste

Top comments

brokenangelexy 13

Don't be silly wrap your willy!

I want to know if this is just your cute way of writing, or if she's really too dumb to realize that she's pregnant.


cp1338 0

Took me a good five minutes before I got that lol(:

A period is not an illness. And if you don't want kids, USE A CONDOM.

Um, why are there so many "FYL"s???? If you don't want a kid, use birth control, use condoms, or don't have sex. NOT THAT HARD.

JadeWalker 14

Hah sucks for you. An ****** isn't worth a $20,000+ mistake ydi

Keep it zipped & this won't happen!!

You ass. If your saying fml then maybe you should wrap it up! It's your own fault.

Woah! Thats great! And not so great. :p