By whysheheartless - 03/11/2009 07:24 - United States

Today, my girlfriend broke up with me. By making out with her new boyfriend in front of me. FML
I agree, your life sucks 43 885
You deserved it 3 060

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Maybe she thought she had to. FML has taught me sometimes people say "no" when broken up with...

Just to make things interesting, I would've started making out with her at the same time, and said "Let's do a 3-some then!" If you were that girl, what would you have done then?


Shmoopie4 0

I sincerely hope this is in high school.

FYL. murder that bitch and her new bf but kill them slowly if you dont then ydi for not having the balls to kill someone

YDI for giving a shit about life. Generally life dishes up severe amounts of shit and all we can do is deal with it and move on. Try just not caring about anything, it really opens your eyes and makes things easier. I mean im not saying that im never happy and that i dont have friends etc but whenever i am happy i dont care, its just another phase of life that is going to get pulled put from under you.

lil_sil_13 0

aaw that really does suck. there are other fish in the sea honey. :)

lstenzel 0

Alright kids, recess is over. That's what you get for dating someone so immature. Now you know better.

HighLife19 0

She basically should have gotten a tattoo across her forehead that says "****". You should've slapped her and said she never deserved you anyways.

megmegmegmeg 0

awwww poor thing! your worth more than that. :)