By holla1787 - 04/12/2009 03:11 - United States

Today, my girlfriend broke up with me. Her birthday is tomorrow so she sent her new boyfriend to pick up her birthday present. FML
I agree, your life sucks 36 543
You deserved it 2 820

Same thing different taste

Top comments

I hope it wasn't a dick in a box, because that would have been AWKWARD!


If you actually gave it to him I will lose all hope for huMANity and MANkind....

youthink_fml 0

Exactly. And if you gave it to him, it's no wonder she broke up with you.

You didn't! OP, please tell us you didn't actually give it to him :-/

This. Seriously it's your fault if you gave it to him. By the looks of it, you did, otherwise you would have mentionned it..

Unless it's about the timespan it took for her to get the new boyfriend. Yes, not all FMLs necessarily mean they actually happened TODAY, but it can be inferred that, whenever this happened, the next day was her birthday, and she sent her probably "hours-old" boyfriend to pick up her present. Anyway, it almost indicates she was cheating on him.

you better return whatever you got her and keep the money or treat yourself to a hooker. she's got a new bitch now so you better get over it. drink!

slients_1234 0

#73 Bad, yes. Interesting, and almost sure to get rid of the memory? Also yes.

What present? If you got her something, tell her she can get it herself, and if she won't she doesn't deserve it. Sorry to hear that, though. FYL indeed.

Bladi_sammy 0

oh sucks you should stalk him down a slit his throat open :D

Sick ! Actually I hope it was a dick in a boxe. Se the new BF face... Priceless

lol @6 why would you even give her the gift now? screw her, seriously.. better break it, burn it and rap it up again and then you give it to her.

no you take a picture of it, return it, and give her the box with the pic of what it was with a note that says tough luck.

I hope the OP didn't give her the gift, YDI if you did give the gift, FYL if you didn't sounds like she's an Uber-bitch you can do better

you should be glad, sounds like she was a bitch.