By poorhamster - 23/10/2010 06:22 - United States

Today, I found my pet hamster that escaped yesterday, wet and soggy, next to my pet dog. My dog chewed it. FML
I agree, your life sucks 31 064
You deserved it 3 923

Same thing different taste

Top comments

knibbsy 4

Sounds like that one time my pet rabbit escaped and I found it lying dead, next to me in the morning. It was wet and soggy. I chewed it.


the_flirtt 0

hah dogs are cooler than hamsters anyways.

rciccone 0

same thing happed to me when I was 8 but it was my cats and a week later and in the garden on my way to school and it had babies HEHE

Who said that the hamster had to be dead? it could still be alive, but I'm going to assume it's dead also.

KingDingALing 9

OP- Be like the Chinese...EAT THE DOG! >:) Muahahahaha!

haha yeah same thing happened to me too cept it was my 8 month old brother not a hamster. he dies though so meh

arc794 0

I think it's safe to assume that if the dog "chewed" the hamster, it died.

xxxviii 5

Sounds like it was a bad day to be ur little bastards are like escape artists from their cages ,,,,,

sheagstaz 0

I blame the hamster.It should know better than to f@&€ with a dog

FYLDeep 25

Good thing you had an attack dog to make up for the otherwise flakey security surrounding the hamster. Although it does raise the consequences substantially in the event that the perimeter is breached.

carcinogan 0

that is a confirmed kill for the doggy. splash one tango down.

Your comment showed very little "lol" but I "lol'ed" Two Thumbs Up.

carcinogan 0

I'll take it as the best compliment I can get for that comment. thank you it is much appreciated. :)

knibbsy 4

Sounds like that one time my pet rabbit escaped and I found it lying dead, next to me in the morning. It was wet and soggy. I chewed it.

Omg! The same thing happened to me only its was your mom intead of your rabbit...

FFML_314 11

No one cares about your wet dreams, 17. ;]

xxxviii 5

Wow, Mom's been dead and cremated for 25 years. You are a nasty little creature but I would imagine that the paste and little pieces of bone you woke up with in your mouth and stuck in your teeth are punishment enough for being the kind of Douche that would speak about someone else's mother.

Wet and soggy but alive, right? Maybe a little dazed and angry?

RedPillSucks 31

It was from the rough sex, right?