By Tucker - 18/11/2009 21:35 - United States

Today, my girlfriend and I were sitting downstairs with my mom. We heard the dog running around upstairs and called it down. It came running down the stairs. With a used condom in its mouth. The same condom my girlfriend and I lost two weeks ago. It put it directly in my mom's hands. FML
I agree, your life sucks 23 461
You deserved it 8 792

Same thing different taste

Top comments

gollygoshers 0

How the hell do you LOSE a condom? Did you try to throw it out a window but it fell halfway through the process or something?

perdix 29

And the dog said, "Here, boss, here are your grandkids!"


gollygoshers 0

How the hell do you LOSE a condom? Did you try to throw it out a window but it fell halfway through the process or something?

Erindub 0

When I was a teenager (jez I sound old) my mom walked in on us and my boyfriends mom also walked in on us. These things happen...and yet another reason I will not procreate! ; )

XaosZaleski 0

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KrazyKatz3 26

Check the top of your screen honey... It is an FML

perdix 29

And the dog said, "Here, boss, here are your grandkids!"

Mx_Rider 6

and the dog said "here boss here is your 250 pack condoms from sams club"

Lost a condom? Really? You should have easily been able to find it on your pene, then dispose of it. It should stay on if it fits. Maybe next time don't unnecessarily buy the Magnums with the sole purpose of trying to impress the cashier.

if you lose a condom, you search like hell for it. especially since you dont want your parents to know. that sucks man.