By Tucker - 18/11/2009 21:35 - United States

Today, my girlfriend and I were sitting downstairs with my mom. We heard the dog running around upstairs and called it down. It came running down the stairs. With a used condom in its mouth. The same condom my girlfriend and I lost two weeks ago. It put it directly in my mom's hands. FML
I agree, your life sucks 23 453
You deserved it 8 787

Same thing different taste

Top comments

gollygoshers 0

How the hell do you LOSE a condom? Did you try to throw it out a window but it fell halfway through the process or something?

perdix 29

And the dog said, "Here, boss, here are your grandkids!"


I don't like how this FML was written. Is it just me or does it sound very choppy and awkward?

Do you not know the gender of your own dog?