By Jerf - 24/06/2009 00:56 - Canada

Today, my girlfriend and I were getting it on, and listening to loud music when she suddenly looked worried and asked if I heard something. I said no and continued. Moments later, three firemen opened the bedroom door and told us to get dressed and go outside because the building was on fire. FML
I agree, your life sucks 52 905
You deserved it 9 805

Same thing different taste

Top comments

HumansSuck 0

Now you can say you did it in a burning building :D


headfirst4halos 0

Oh wow. At least you left with your lives.

leeeighanneee14 0

Man stfu , how do you know ? Get a life . HAHAHA wow , this made me laugh . Thats what you call Hot Sex . xD

kellster 2

If your music was so loud that it drowned out the fire alarm, it was way too ******* loud! And what, would you have preferred the firefighters NOT to have interrupted you and left you to die? Priorities, dude.

I guess the sex was so hot that...

I hope shes pregnant, that way u can tell ur son he was concieved in a burning building. XD

lifesucks20109 0

lol you two were getting hot and steamy (seriously)

justanotherfan 0

that's what I call some seriously HOT sex!!!

lilsweets2587 0

"Somebody call 9-1-1 shorty fire burning on the dance floor woooaah"