By Jerf - 24/06/2009 00:56 - Canada

Today, my girlfriend and I were getting it on, and listening to loud music when she suddenly looked worried and asked if I heard something. I said no and continued. Moments later, three firemen opened the bedroom door and told us to get dressed and go outside because the building was on fire. FML
I agree, your life sucks 52 905
You deserved it 9 805

Same thing different taste

Top comments

HumansSuck 0

Now you can say you did it in a burning building :D


Rursus 0

I hope you made a pun like "flames of passion" to save face.

mumafiedmustangs 0

and thats when you say thanks babe you set my world ablaze lol no but that had to be the best

Aish_fml 0

And as previously stated, if you were playing the music so loud you couldn't hear the alarms or sounds of a commotion, your neighbors were probably setting you on fire...

wouldve been better if you were doing something kinky. now that would be an FML (:

member0987654321 0

awwwwwwwww shit sonnnn the last part sounds liek the lryics to a song sor something hahahahhaha a nd ahhahahhahahaha to number one twenty twoo

(8) Your Sex Was On Fire (8) Lool Well, at least he came and saved ur life, if they hadnt came u wuld have died in the fire, so it culd have been worse.

Maybe your girlfriend likes a man in uniform?