I've not been arrested, I swear!

By Anonymous - 13/10/2021 08:01

Today, police knocked on my door in middle of the night. They said there was a fire in one of the houses in our street, so they were evacuating houses. They wouldn’t let me go back and get dressed. As I was only in my underwear, they told me I could wait in their car. FML
I agree, your life sucks 1 019
You deserved it 92

Same thing different taste

Top comments

It’s kinda weird they wouldn’t let you back in. What if you had pets to grab or kids to wake up?

I feel your pain! When I was a boy, my Dad worked late nights as a movie theater projectionist while my mom worked as a cashier at a bank. One morning my Dad awakened me because the house was on fire. We had to run out through a blazing kitchen. I was 7 years old and Dad sent me to the neighbor’s house to have them call the fire department while he got as much of our clothes and personal belongings as he could. Mind you, I slept in a tee shirt and underwear. But for some situations modesty doesn’t count for much. So I ran next door and did my part. By the time the firemen got there the house was fully engulfed in flames. We only saved what my dad had managed to get out. But that did include our clothes… As embarrassing as this was, you survived. It’s understandable that the police would not let you back into your apartment under the circumstances. It’s just a good thing you don’t sleep nude… And, yes it was an unnecessary risk for my Dad to go back into a burning house after getting me out. But that was long ago and people were more self reliant then and perhaps less fearful of danger. We lived out in the country and it was well known that there would be some delay in the fire department arriving. By the way every home needs working smoke detectors and one or two fire extinguishers in good condition.


Were these real cops or strippers in cop uniforms playing pranks after a disappointing evening of work?

It’s kinda weird they wouldn’t let you back in. What if you had pets to grab or kids to wake up?

They probably asked that at the beginning. When I lived in an apartment, this happened to me, and that was the first thing they asked when they woke me up at 2am to evacuate. I also was just in my underwear. The worst part was, it was in January and 20 degrees and snowing Yes it sucked, but people’s safety trumps modesty in an emergency

Procedures save lives. Sucks sometimes, but are generally a good thing

I feel your pain! When I was a boy, my Dad worked late nights as a movie theater projectionist while my mom worked as a cashier at a bank. One morning my Dad awakened me because the house was on fire. We had to run out through a blazing kitchen. I was 7 years old and Dad sent me to the neighbor’s house to have them call the fire department while he got as much of our clothes and personal belongings as he could. Mind you, I slept in a tee shirt and underwear. But for some situations modesty doesn’t count for much. So I ran next door and did my part. By the time the firemen got there the house was fully engulfed in flames. We only saved what my dad had managed to get out. But that did include our clothes… As embarrassing as this was, you survived. It’s understandable that the police would not let you back into your apartment under the circumstances. It’s just a good thing you don’t sleep nude… And, yes it was an unnecessary risk for my Dad to go back into a burning house after getting me out. But that was long ago and people were more self reliant then and perhaps less fearful of danger. We lived out in the country and it was well known that there would be some delay in the fire department arriving. By the way every home needs working smoke detectors and one or two fire extinguishers in good condition.

easy solution, stop answering the door in your underwear.