By Tripartita - 25/05/2016 12:07 - United States

Today, I submitted my first app review. It was for Pocket Podiatrist: the DIY Guide to Foot Surgery. 1/5 stars. Would not recommend. FML
I agree, your life sucks 120
You deserved it 93

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Oh, what a fantastic photo FML! This caption was clearly conceived of by a genius who demands the highest accolades for their comic ingenuity!


jakewill7 7

You might want to go to the doctor next time

Shadow9876 19

I thought FML's had to be true.

I remember upvoting that comment, so glad it won. Congrats tripartita!

Oh, what a fantastic photo FML! This caption was clearly conceived of by a genius who demands the highest accolades for their comic ingenuity!

stangbang92 17

I would recommend the: "Humor for Dummy's" App. It might safe us some pain. If that fails I have some other app to try until we hit the 5 star ratings.

MikaykayUnicorn 36

Tripartita always comes up with the funniest things. I aspire to be that hilarious.

I'll admit, this one was pretty good. But still give us a dislike button like you have on all of the other FML's.

tbh I've been disappointed with these. Can you at least change the "well spotted" to "your life sucks", because the whole well spotted thing is really killing the vibe. IMHO that change alone will make it better.

Oh, and like the other guy said, a dislike button would be useful for constructive criticism.