By SupposedlyAverage - 27/12/2014 14:55 - United States

Today, my fiancé proposed to me. He said, "I could have picked anyone, but I chose you. You're a solid 2, which is average. Not a 10, but I'm glad you're a 2. Less pressure, ya know." I'm not sure if I should be more upset with the fact that I'm "average", or the fact that he thought this was romantic. FML
I agree, your life sucks 38 296
You deserved it 4 267

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Now it's time to say the same thing about his dick size.

Since when is a 2 "average"?? That's a straight up insult right there...


2 is far below average, 5 is average if it's out of ten. he back handedly called ur ass ugly as hell. there is no way 2 is average out of a 1 to ten scale. it makes absolutely no sense. well that is unless both of ur are really ugly and he thinks but ugly is average

And you said yes??? Why be with someone who has admitted to not really finding you attractive.

2 could be average its just an extremely uneven distribution. Though that means we have a whole lot of 1s.

PunkPrincess_fml 11

clearly you were stupid enough to say yes so honestly your stupid.

peithecelt 28

It's been 6 years, how's your marriage?

randybryant799 20

Well apparently you said yes so I don't think it matters.