By still on hol - 27/12/2014 10:12 - United Kingdom - Harlow

Today, I've spent far too long on hold to Apple customer support. Unfortunately the only thing to come from it is I now have "Call me maybe" stuck in my head. FML
I agree, your life sucks 28 651
You deserved it 3 474

Same thing different taste

Top comments

An Apple a day keeps the socializing away...

Scrambled 21


Did you try to use fire to fix it? That usually helps

Have you tried turning it off and back on again?

SlipperyNipple 9

That song sucks so muuuuchhh. Poor kid....

orbit 22

It's I great way to make customers hang up though. Which is what customer service wants.

or they can play Bieber songs... (I wouldn't mind tho)

23- i apologoze, but of you admit to liking bieber its an automatic downvote waterfall

Scrambled 21

Maybe next time try their live chat option online and then get them to schedule a call.

Mmm that song is great! Hey there, i'm new to town. Could you give me direction to your place? Maybe? ?

I feel the pain of tech support calls. So many menus and options when all you want is a real person.

I bet it's even worse for the people who work there, feeling the wrath of displaced anger day in and out.

An Apple a day keeps the socializing away...