By Anonymous - 27/12/2014 16:54 - Canada - Delta

Today, my boyfriend sent me a screenshot of his phone's contact list, to show me the adorable photo of us he'd set as my contact image. I guess he didn't realize that a contact called "Side Babe" was just barely in the screenshot too. FML
I agree, your life sucks 40 723
You deserved it 2 970

Same thing different taste

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No. You don't understand. That's just the contact name for his butcher that he buys bacon from. He calls him that because he sells him "a side of Babe."

That sucks OP. hope you find a man you can trust someday and isn't a moron.


That sucks OP. hope you find a man you can trust someday and isn't a moron.

No. You don't understand. That's just the contact name for his butcher that he buys bacon from. He calls him that because he sells him "a side of Babe."

foxmatrix15 8

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I would certainly hope he has a spare tire. It's dangerous to drive without one! Also, I don't how that could apply to this situation.

did you all really down vote a guardians of the galaxy reference. ugh what is this site :(

You hit the nail on the head right there.

eatmor2 9

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Some people are morons, so sometimes you just can't doubt these kinds of things.

True. Nor can you jump to irrational decisions. It's very possible that is just a joke. Maybe a very close female friend. I know a lot of people who put those joke names, similar to that one, in their phone.

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nataliewby 25

How do you know he's just messing with her?

yeah... cheating is nothing to joke about. ever. especially in this day and age.

Well, least you know the kind of bastard he is. Sorry that happened,dump him and move on.

So a most likely joke is a reason to dump someone? You must be a lot of fun in a relationship..

A joke? This isn't a joke. Jokes are funny, not pretending you're cheating on relationship is fun cheers

I know that my girlfriend has one of her friends listed in her phone as something similar. It could be nothing but that's still something to have a talk about.

Ur girlfriend might have something going on, sorry dude

You should consider the option that the girl your girlfriend is texting is in fact a guy.

Unless he's met her/him not everything is sinister