By Lysh - 24/11/2016 05:38

Today, my fiancé broke it off with me on our 3-year anniversary at 12:01 a.m. on Thanksgiving morning. Guess who gets to go to family gatherings where everyone will be asking where he is. FML
I agree, your life sucks 12 898
You deserved it 876

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Just mention Trump when you walk in and any of your personal issues will never come up.

airdude25 18

Oh my god! I'm so sorry OP! At least he is out of your life. It is better to find out he wanted out before marriage!


airdude25 18

Oh my god! I'm so sorry OP! At least he is out of your life. It is better to find out he wanted out before marriage!

poor you OP! what a bastard! tbh if i were u, i wouldnt even go to the family gatherings today.. all fun n games but if your heart is broken, you defo deserve a day in bed with chocolate!

He's a bastard for not leading his partner on?

no, he's a bastard for doing it on a holiday.

Depending in how OP is, being around friends and family may help her cope better.

I bet you have obsolete no bloody idea what was going on. Stop judging the man and thinking you know the situation.

But to do it on a holiday AND there 3 year anniversary. No offense, but that seems planned, especially the time stamp. Which is shitty, then again, as someone else has said, OP could have well deserved it.

talal_icon 19

ouch op that's gotta suck but hey it's better that he was your fiancé and not husband. try and see if some of the girls wanna go out and get wasted

Just mention Trump when you walk in and any of your personal issues will never come up.

What a ****. You are better off without him.

I hear you. Going to be my second thanksgiving without my soon-to-be ex husband. :( just make it through the day as best you can <3

candylevesque 14

omg im so sorry he did that to u *hugs* it's hard when the questions start coming, maybe say he's at his parents or home sick so u don't have to go through the pain of talking about it

JCal585 8

Dude there are so many guys out there. A year from now, none of this will matter. Go and have a good day with your family- that's what it's all about. In a few weeks, you'll be going on dates, getting butterflies in your stomach, all that good stuff. You'll be fine.

I don't think it's gonna be that easy to recover from having a three year old relationship ended, especially since it sounds like it came out of nowhere to OP. Having family unintentionally gouge that wound deeper the entire day is gonna make it worse.

Yes, OP will get over it in time. That's not the point though. The point is that instead of spending a happy day with her family, she'll be spending a day being upset minus who she thought was a family member, with the rest of her family asking about him.

That's not necessarily true. I was with my ex fiancé for almost 4 years when he broke it off. That was August 2015. I'm still not over it. No dates either.

Wow your family will ask questions... that's the saddest part.

It's ok my fiancé cheated in me out 7th anniversary. move on

You are really bad at comforting. If that is even what you are tying to do?

16 is also really bad at typing. I'm still not entirely sure what that comment is supposed to say.