By Florida - 24/11/2016 03:04 - United States - Winchester

Today, when I went to work, my nice coworker gave me a gift basket. And cookies. I had to tell him that I caught his kid keying my car last night. FML
I agree, your life sucks 10 954
You deserved it 712

Same thing different taste

Top comments

stevenJB 25

He probably found out and is apologizing low-key.

Was this gift basket perhaps because of said keying of car?


Was this gift basket perhaps because of said keying of car?

Otherwise it seems very odd to give someone a gift basket. Or perhaps I am/have shitty co-workers.

stevenJB 25

He probably found out and is apologizing low-key.

Speaking of "low-key," that pun was smooth. Very well done.

I didn't even notice it until #7's comment. Well played. Keep it up

stevenJB 25

honestly I didn't even realize I made a pun Hahah thanks for pointing that out

xbaconator9000x 16

You shut your filthy mouth!!! ???

That just might be the key to ending your friendship.

I think you've just found out what the gift basket is for.

I believe there's a connection.. He just wanted to get you into a good mood

So probably a thanksgiving gift, but now you can be thankful you have something to binge on when you find out the cost of a new paint job

"Today, being the nice guy I am, I gave my coworker a gift basket and cookies after my kid keyed his car last night. He still mentioned it. FML" Really hoping to see this published so everyone tells your nice coworker what a sneaky asshole he is.

If the gift basket contained Bondo, sandpaper and touch-up paint, you guys are Even Steven.

Aww that's awful, hopefully gift basket was a legitimate gift and not bribe. Still I hope they won't take offense to your honesty about their kid keying your car.

Keying a car usually doesn't cause dents. Just messes up the paint job and leaves scratches in the metal.