By Anonymous - 24/11/2016 13:17 - United States - New York

Today, on Thanksgiving, I asked my kid what she is thankful for. "My tablet." I had just told her I was thankful for her. FML
I agree, your life sucks 8 740
You deserved it 2 282

Same thing different taste

Top comments

I'm thankful for parents that don't ask me trick questions just to feed their ego.

You should be thankful that your child recognizes blatant compliment-fishing when she sees it.


I'm thankful for parents that don't ask me trick questions just to feed their ego.

stevenJB 25

ah, don't be that hurt about it, just kids being kids.

You should be thankful that your child recognizes blatant compliment-fishing when she sees it.

sibu12345 13

She'd probably say something different 10 years down the road. I guess just gotta make sure she ain't too spoilt? But don't overdo it :P

While in some way you deserve it for fishing for compliments, don't take it the hard way. Kids will be kids, and say plenty of eccentric things.

And I bet you said you were thankful for her in that gooey, obnoxious voice that people use for some strange reason when talking to children, right? Just get over yourself. It shouldn't take your kid saying it on Thanksgiving for you to know that they're thankful for you.

"Today, I expected a child to have an active sense of sentiment. FML"

So she's greatful for her tablet. You probably bought it for her, be glad she appreciates it. She probably wasn't even thinking of you. Sounds harsh but kids don't really think about being thankful for people when they're young, they wouldn't imagine life any other way. Not all kids, but many.

Leviathene 34

In the wise words of Bobby Singer; "Kids ain't supposed to be grateful! They are supposed to eat your food and break your heart" Sorry OP, I know it isn't fair, but in her own way, I'm sure she does appreciate you.

LevelupKid 8

this is why you don't buy your children iPads at 3