By MsCobb - 16/02/2013 15:27 - United States - Columbus

Today, my father gave me his blessing to be married on one condition: that I keep my maiden name when I marry. My fiancé thought it would be "epic". My last name will be hyphenated to Cobb-Webb. FML
I agree, your life sucks 37 363
You deserved it 6 157

Same thing different taste

Top comments

WhisperSoflty 20

Have a daughter. Name her Charlotte.

OhMinty 5


hope ur church group don't take it like a sign

BellaBelle_fml 23

And what would that 'sign' be exactly? I'm trying super hard to figure out how anyone could take having the last name of 'Cobb-Webb' as any type of a sign, good or bad. Please, please enlighten me.

This is not an FML OP it should be a celebration! You're getting awesome last name and your father is okay with the wedding.

Are you an only child or have all girl siblings? It seems f-ed up to me that your dad would only give his blessing if you kept your maiden name. I'm sure he probably would not have been willing to accept the same terms when he married your mother. He sounds like a dick.

friedbunnies 9

Luckily it's 2013 and you can do whatever the **** you want.

Your father doesn't own you. Do what you want with your name.