Today, I "hacked" my girlfriend's phone and found out she's been cheating on me for the last 6 months. She's pissed at me because I hacked her phone and invaded her privacy. FML
I agree, your life sucks 841
You deserved it 430

Same thing different taste

Top comments

You didn't trust her and invaded her privacy, she proved to not be worthy of your trust. I'm on Team Nobody in this story, you both have things you gotta work on.

Sounds like you're both assholes


Sucks she's cheating on you but breaking into her phone is definitely not cool.

Sounds like you're both assholes

You didn't trust her and invaded her privacy, she proved to not be worthy of your trust. I'm on Team Nobody in this story, you both have things you gotta work on.

n3rdn3ss 8

Should fix that to ex-girlfriend.

OP, a boyfriend/girlfriend situation is not a legally binding relationship. If you didn’t trust her so much that you went to the extent of hacking her phone to “prove you were right,” you should have just broken up with her instead. It’s not like launching nuclear missiles (two people, two keys) - You don’t have to agree on a breakup… Having said that, hacking someone’s phone is an unjustified forcible intrusion. How would you like someone doing that to you?

Dude you went into her phone how did you not expect her to be angry??