By walker - 04/10/2009 21:33 - United States

Today, my family and I went on a picnic in the park 45 minutes drive away from our house. I fell asleep beneath a tree. They left me there. FML
I agree, your life sucks 42 859
You deserved it 3 833

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Zhejan 0

Looks like your drowsiness led to some lousiness!


Reyo 2

Look on the bright can milk the CRAP out of this in the future. I would KILL for a guilt trip opportunity like this.

pipsqueak2099 0

All I can say is that was well deserved for the lack of grammar in your FML.

amazinggbaby 2

wow this fml made me laugh sooo much hahahah

Saccharide 0

Ouch. There's no possible excuse for that. I agree with #2, never let 'em live it down.

Zhejan 0

Looks like your drowsiness led to some lousiness!

tyhillman 0

Walking is healthy for you lol

GreenDaysGeekGrl 0

Omg. That is something my friends and family would do to me!

KateeJo 0

Oh my. Well I hope you had a cell phone and if not, there's never too many hobos. [: