By Anonymous - 01/10/2009 05:38 - United States

Today, I invited over 30 people to come to the park with me since the day was nice and cool. I sat there for three hours by myself. FML
I agree, your life sucks 38 380
You deserved it 5 100

Same thing different taste

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Are you the homeless guy sitting in the park I pass on the way to work, always mumbling "Where are mah 30 friends... I invited abuch m-sure" and drinking cheap beer from a paperbag?


Are you the homeless guy sitting in the park I pass on the way to work, always mumbling "Where are mah 30 friends... I invited abuch m-sure" and drinking cheap beer from a paperbag?

wickedsmart 0

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wazdog 4

YDI for not being likable or for having a broken phone and not knowing.

well most people probably go to the park when its nice and HOT :P

Well, you know what to do when you're at a park! Drink near a 4 year old's party. I think we found the full story.

The weather WAS gorgeous yesterday... super-rare in Florida. I would have sat with you. :(

jw90 18

OP is exaggerating it was probably more like three friends. YDI for waiting that long.

YDI for not making sure your friends were coming or picking them up.

Sending a text message and/or a Myspace bulletin does NOT constitute "inviting" people.

gigi37 0

Agreed, or doing a facebook event thing. Had you CALLED them, you would know they would not be showing up, OP

NikkiFlysKites 8

How would a text message not count as inviting a person? If it was a mass that said "Hey, I'm at the park" then I can understand, but not if they say "Want to hang out with me at the park?"

Yes, but Mrs. Johnson's 3rd Grade class decided to decline the invitation of the creepy guy that was lurking just outside the schoolyard fence. Good call, kids.

lol, classic! you always come up with funny one-liners! :) OP: i'm so sorry. :(