By Raset24 - 30/06/2016 17:40

Today, it was my last day at my job. My team made a little party for me so they could wish me well and say goodbye, but when it came time for my manager to give a little speech, she couldn't even remember my name. I've been working there for two years. FML
I agree, your life sucks 14 702
You deserved it 1 071

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Well OP, at least your coworkers did something nice for you. Not everybody gets a good-bye party for leaving work, chin up :)

I don't know how they could've forgotten. How common is a name like Raset24?


That sucks OP :( I hope the rest of the party was fun though

Well OP, at least your coworkers did something nice for you. Not everybody gets a good-bye party for leaving work, chin up :)

Be glad you even got a party. When I quit my job after 4,5 years, I got a basket filled with random stuff, quickly grabbed from the store right before I was going home after my last shift.

Seems not everybody will miss you.

I don't know how they could've forgotten. How common is a name like Raset24?

Well it's a good thing it's your last day then, so be cheerful for that? Always stay positive OP

Kind of your own fault for not making much of an impression. (Something to work on in the future?) But crappy boss for not knowing names of their employees.fyl

I'll bet that explains the cake with "We'll miss you, uh… you!" spelled out in frosting.

A lot of places get pissed off and act really petty when you quit so in the grand scheme of things I think you're doing pretty well.