By gothchick201013 - 09/09/2016 18:43 - United States - Dayton

Today, my dog kept barking at the door, and I jokingly shouted, "Language!" My mom heard and grounded me for yelling at the dog. FML
I agree, your life sucks 12 075
You deserved it 1 125

Same thing different taste

Top comments

If you get grounded for something that mundane, I wonder what would happen if you do something like breaking curfew. Your mom should probably be taking discipline lessons from you.

Why would you get grounded for yelling at a dog? I couldn't imagine what the punishment would be for disciplining it


Why would you get grounded for yelling at a dog? I couldn't imagine what the punishment would be for disciplining it

Dogs don't like jokes. I do my standup act in front of my dog, and nothing, crickets! I bring out the cheese and she's my biggest fan!

If you get grounded for something that mundane, I wonder what would happen if you do something like breaking curfew. Your mom should probably be taking discipline lessons from you.

That's a stupid thing to get grounded for.

I'm sorry...What? Was she drunk? I'm lost. Follow-up is heavily needed here.

heatherrr17 19

If you were jokingly yelling language, did she jokingly ground you?