By gonnafail - 16/11/2013 20:18 - United States - York

Today, my debate partner repeatedly said "You mad, bro?" to the opposing team in our college debate class. That debate was worth a considerable portion of our grade. FML
I agree, your life sucks 45 714
You deserved it 3 286

Same thing different taste

Top comments

I feel you OP, once I got a debate partner whose rebuttal was "Well I'm right because you're a dumbass". Thankfully we got graded individually.


fucMyLifeSoHard 18

That happened to me! well my partner didn't say "u mad bro?" but he couldn't say anything relevant :/ sorry OP. I feel you this time.

I would be mad too, for being called "bro" and not "sis".

Hahaha... I can't stop laughing at his stupidity!

You should kick off the debate team then ask You Mad Bro?

nina21194 12

At least you guys actually debate in your class -.-

I'd be tempted to smack him with the nearest book, tell him to shut up, and if he complains say "You mad bro?"

policy is a giant fire breathing dragon that feeds on human souls

nicholicious 9

I'd be completely and utterly pissed.

Today, I made a terrible mistake looking at the comments section on FML again. Apparently, the thousands of mongoloids that inhabit the website still think they are bring witty by calling other people mad and using stupid old memes. FML

Are you serious?!! These "mongoloids" as you call them is the reason this damn site is so funny in the first place... You wanna take something too seriously, go watch the news.