By gonnafail - 16/11/2013 20:18 - United States - York

Today, my debate partner repeatedly said "You mad, bro?" to the opposing team in our college debate class. That debate was worth a considerable portion of our grade. FML
I agree, your life sucks 45 714
You deserved it 3 286

Same thing different taste

Top comments

I feel you OP, once I got a debate partner whose rebuttal was "Well I'm right because you're a dumbass". Thankfully we got graded individually.


Was this some debate about swag and what not... Ask for some extra credit do needed...

Zimmington 21

OMG! Gag me with a spoon! Your partners a jive turkey OP.

This generation sometimes... I tell ya! *angrily shakes cane.*

Zimmington 21

Is better than previous generations *sarcastically waves skateboard*

College is a crock of shit anyway.. Don't be mad bro!

I bet you were the 'are you ******* kidding me' guy since he was the troll

mansen 15

Duct tape. Always have a roll on you. Duct tape fixes everything...

When people ask what's wrong with our generation, they forget to ask who raised them...