By gonnafail - 16/11/2013 20:18 - United States - York

Today, my debate partner repeatedly said "You mad, bro?" to the opposing team in our college debate class. That debate was worth a considerable portion of our grade. FML
I agree, your life sucks 45 714
You deserved it 3 286

Same thing different taste

Top comments

I feel you OP, once I got a debate partner whose rebuttal was "Well I'm right because you're a dumbass". Thankfully we got graded individually.


Sounds like an old debate partner of mine...I wonder if it's him. Anyways, still inappropriate and I hope your speaker points made up for it, or you had a good affirmative or negative case, with constructive arguments and sufficient evidence, prepared and most of all confident then I'm sure the judge or professor would see pass your partner's continuous use of the phrase.

He sounds like a dick just make him shut up and beg the teacher to allow you to redo the debate thing tell the teacher that he was on pills because he was sick and that he took the wrong dosage of pills because he misread his prescription he'll/she'll believe you if you're convincing

cookie1207 19

The question now is You mad bro?

Hopefully it's graded individually. :)

Friday, against my many pleas not to, my policy partner ran the "Consult Jesus" counterplan.

Did the opposition showed the Yao Ming face?

Sounds like he's been playing to much call of duty lmao

VSVP_fml 6

I laughed so hard picturing this in my head

Those debates in college are often more about emotional and psychological battles than logic and facts unfortunately so the meme could work if they cracked.