By gonnafail - 16/11/2013 20:18 - United States - York

Today, my debate partner repeatedly said "You mad, bro?" to the opposing team in our college debate class. That debate was worth a considerable portion of our grade. FML
I agree, your life sucks 45 725
You deserved it 3 289

Same thing different taste

Top comments

I feel you OP, once I got a debate partner whose rebuttal was "Well I'm right because you're a dumbass". Thankfully we got graded individually.


teamlightskin 14

Hopefully your teacher will understand and not let it effect your grade.

I could be wrong as I haven't yet googled it but I think is affect

\ 28

In this setting it's "affect." Some advice I recall was that if you don't know whether to use "effect" or "affect," just use "impact." Works just as well :)

I think effect as a result and affect as currently idk that's just me and it works.

Both 'affect' and 'effect' can be used as a noun or a verb. So, Google if you must!

#36 As the saying goes, "Synonyms are for when you don't know how to spell a word".

39- no, affect is a verb, and effect is a noun.

Paracosmic 5

"Effect" can also be used as a verb. It has a different meaning from that of "affect," however.

God damnit, where were you with this info when I had my english exam/essay?! I spent like 10 minutes (of 50 minutes) trying to remember which one to use... :'(

MeowZebraMeow 7

He was competing for extra credit. They offer that for being a douche, right?

If teachers secretly offer extra credit for being an asshole, so much more of how my classmates behaved while I was in high school makes sense.

Well, were your opponents at least mad?

No, but OP's partner will be, when he sees his grade.

I feel you OP, once I got a debate partner whose rebuttal was "Well I'm right because you're a dumbass". Thankfully we got graded individually.

Lmao I wish I was there to see that debate!

I wonder if he'll ask "You mad bro?" when you get your grades back.

sometimes in life that needs to be asked. even in a debate.

Soooo, I take it you're mad? Cause I would be.