Sorry kiddo

By BrandNewKadillak - 30/04/2009 00:14 - United States

Today, I was at my 3 year-old niece's birthday party. I was swinging on their swing set when she walked directly into my path. I tried to jump off the swing, but I could not stop myself in time. I ended up kicking her in the face and giving her a black eye. Happy birthday! FML
I agree, your life sucks 47 135
You deserved it 11 353

Same thing different taste

Today, I was babysitting my niece and let her watch cartoons on YouTube while I cooked dinner. She screamed as I was cutting up carrots and I cut myself. She had turned on an episode of Happy Tree Friends and was now crying and wouldn't stop. My brother thumped me for not watching her. I now have a cut hand and black eye. FML
I agree, your life sucks 308
You deserved it 515

Top comments

2, its not evil if she couldnt control it. baby kickers ftw. how far did she fly!??! 0_o

DCS1138 0

This is why Chuck Norris shouldn't be invited to parties...


oh shit, i would have been super salty if i were her. haha but yeah i guess it wasnt your fault

its a fml cuz proubly he feels bad nd ppl are mad at him

Mistakes happen, but that's still evil.

it's the kids fault. even a kid that young has the common sense not to stand in front of a swing like that and not to mention that their parents are always reminding them.

jamieleigh_315 0

77 your retarded she's 3 not 10 not every1 that little knows not 2 go in front of pple swinging

Not with your education maybe, but other then that 3 is old enough to walk and talk and have complex cognitive brain functions, so therefore she should be able to think that a heavy fast moving object would hurt her

DCS1138 0

This is why Chuck Norris shouldn't be invited to parties...

2, its not evil if she couldnt control it. baby kickers ftw. how far did she fly!??! 0_o

reminds me of my friend's birthday parties... her mom handed-out poppers, and since i wasn't feeling the party, i went off away from all the other kids and let my popper go off. right as soon as i did, this kid whizzed past me and it got him right in the face ("that's what she said"). total fml moment. so i can kinda feel ya on this one.

Well, she won't do that again. Operant conditioning at its finest. You'll all laugh about it when she's older. "Sweetie, do you remember that time that aunt [Name] kicked you in the face? Good times."

Ha ha! She deserved for not looking where she was going. The person swinging has little/no control over where they are going. The person walking in front of the swing set does.

today, i turned 3. i got kicked in the face and got a black eye. FML.

CokokoLa 0

why the hell would there be a three year old on FML? wtf

AFloppyWetWhale 6

I did that once, too... 'cept I didn't feel so bad 'cause I was on the school yard swing set, I was nine, and my mother had been telling him not to walk so close to the swing set 'cause he could get hurt... and his mother should've been watching him instead of... whatever else she was doing. At least you don't have to worry about doing *that* anymore, though. Kids learn fast with stuff like that.