By FuckingDone - 20/05/2016 23:08 - United States - Enterprise

Today, my brother's refused to shower after 2 weeks of dripping sweat and never changing clothes. He claims the smell is just his "manly musk" and if I can't handle it, then maybe I'm the problem. FML
I agree, your life sucks 14 136
You deserved it 1 104

Same thing different taste

Top comments

lure him into the yard and spray him with a hose

Tell your parents. It's simple but it'll probably work out.


Don't sweat it OP, brothers be brothers

saffy66 34

Maybe you could encourage him to seek a second opinion?

that is nasty, I can't go one day without taking a shower. two at max. guess it's time to pull out the hose.

He sounds like one greasy ************

I'm sure he's a real big hit with the ladies.

lure him into the yard and spray him with a hose

"It rubs the lotion on its skin, or else it gets the hose again."

I think you mean hose before bros, #12!

Lure him? Just drag the dipshit by his hair and hose down his stank ass.

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You and #1 should hang out; I think you'd really hit it off.

Tell your parents. It's simple but it'll probably work out.

dump febreze on him in his sleep and tell him the problem is his ass smelling musk

I voted "I agree, your life sucks" after reading "Refused to shower". That is just disgusting! Drag him in to that shower if you have too, OP.....with gloves off course.