By Anonymous - 26/06/2009 14:31 - United States

Today, my brother and I were going to give our parents their anniversary gift which cost us over $3000. The gift was a trip to London in August to see a show on Michael Jackson's comeback tour. FML
I agree, your life sucks 111 318
You deserved it 10 877

Same thing different taste

Top comments

thatguy7 0

That sucks, I hope you can get your money back.

lukewarmocha 0

dang that sucks. knew somebody had to post this though...


Oh man I hope who's ever handling MJ's affairs gives everyone their money back. Or do what ##258 said, that's pretty cool.

wow. that joke's already been made. and's NOT funny.

GiannaxRevenge 0

Dude, WAY too soon.... We seriously lost a true genius and it pisses me the **** off how everyone is feeling bad now that he's gone. **** the media.

he aint comin back no more. i hope you get your money back, im sure they'll understand.

cherlana32 0

what are you talking about?

I think what he meant to say was that it's pissing him off that the media tried to tear him down when he was alive, but is praising him now.

chasingstarlight 0

Well, if I'm not mistaken the tickets were only a fraction of the $3,000 dollar present, right? A trip to London still sounds wonderful! The concert ticket situation is just so entirely unfortunate, but I'm sure they will be grateful for the thought and effort you put into the gift.

Hehehe, I laughed aloud. Such a horrible joke, I love it. R.I.P MJ !

R.I.P MJ Hope you get your money back from the plane ticket and can do something more appropriate with it. I think you should still give your parents the ticket to be framed and maybe sold later on for a huge profit, but until it will be profitable I think it would be a great gift and your parents will love you for the gesture. Don't take the advice from some FML users to not mention the MJ tickets. Its awful that this great gift went down the drain, you wont find a better or equal gift!. FYL indeed.

dripinwet 0

Maybe when he gets done spending the $400 million that he took with him to Bahrain... and will come out of hiding......

dripinwet 0

Maybe when he gets done spending the $400 million that he took with him to Bahrain... and will come out of hiding......