By secondchild - 12/07/2019 14:00

Today, my parents spent more time, money, and effort on my boyfriend's birthday present than they ever have on any of mine. FML
I agree, your life sucks 1 551
You deserved it 185

Same thing different taste

Top comments

It should be easy to get you an appropriate gift. They could buy you petty-fours, a pettycoat or any music from Tom Petty or NASCAR memorabilia of Richard Petty... Seeing a pattern here?

Not really. You should never really treat anyone better than your own children.


It should be easy to get you an appropriate gift. They could buy you petty-fours, a pettycoat or any music from Tom Petty or NASCAR memorabilia of Richard Petty... Seeing a pattern here?

Not really. You should never really treat anyone better than your own children.

jsikes 8
Emiweb 9

I wonder if this is something you actually know, or if it's something you may be assuming.