Let me stay!

By Anonymous - 17/11/2021 23:00

Today, I quit my job, mainly because I didn't work enough hours and thus, earn enough money. In the past, they said there isn't any other paid work they could provide. They've now added different tasks, more money, and more hours to the position. I'm helping to find a replacement for a job I would otherwise apply to. FML
I agree, your life sucks 987
You deserved it 148

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Why are you helping? **** those people! There are tons of jobs out there these days, and some are even paying a dignified wage.

So apply. And under reasons for leaving previous employment say "Didn't give me enough hours" Then reject all the other candidates on the grounds that you would require the least training.


Why are you helping? **** those people! There are tons of jobs out there these days, and some are even paying a dignified wage.

randybryant799 20

Rule of thumb is don't quit your job unless you have another job lined up.

If they do that consider yourself lucky to be getting out...

So apply. And under reasons for leaving previous employment say "Didn't give me enough hours" Then reject all the other candidates on the grounds that you would require the least training.