By orilykid - 31/10/2012 17:23 - United States - Richmond

Today, I was cleaning out my roof's gutter, which was full of leaves. There was an especially big pile, and when I started scooping it up, I felt something squishy. Turns out those leaves were covering the remains of a rotting squirrel. I can't stop smelling it. FML
I agree, your life sucks 26 092
You deserved it 1 958

Same thing different taste

Top comments

loserboii 11

Use that dead squirrel for Halloween decorations. That'll really scare the kids!


Typical day in the life of a Midwestern ... NBD

bugmenotmofo 34

28- California is in the Mid-West.

olpally 32

My faith in humanity went down -200 reading this thread of stupidity... Thanks penguinbitch... I almost lost my mind...

Lol I know..??? I was saying that in the Midwest ppl experience that all the time. Jeesh ppl why r u hatin so much?

CantusVulpis 12

I wonder how it managed to die in there....?

feldco1 17

Aw poor squirrel! Same thing happened to me with like 3 birds though.

I'd fall off the roof/ladder when i picked the squirrel up.

Certainly! LOL I hadn't thought of that until I saw your post but you would find me dead in a pile of leaves on the ground some time later...

Hiimhaileypotter 52

Seeing something like that would drive me nutty.

You're dead right it would, I think I'd leaf gutter-cleaning to the professionals after a shingle instance of that, maybe give them roofies so they won't remember the day after.

KiddNYC1O 20
Hiimhaileypotter 52

That's what I meant to say. Couldn't edit in time :(

astralvagan 20

Yummy! Dinner!!! But on a serious note, that sucks OP. I imagine that smell will stay with you for a while..... Burn incense, that will help get rid of the smell

Incense not necessary. Just sniff coffee grounds.

loserboii 11

Use that dead squirrel for Halloween decorations. That'll really scare the kids!

It'll make sure those damn annoying fat kids don't come up to your door asking for candy, that's for sure.

Gotta love cleaning gutters.... Squirrel surprise

amandajlucas2015 2

Or u could just get lead guard an save urself the hassle and time? Lol

At least you didn't find it after you started burning the pile of leaves. The only smell worse than rotting squirrel is burning rotten squirrel.

Shame. What a waste of a tasty squirrel.