By boundandgagged - 13/01/2010 19:36 - United States

Today, my brother and his friend ambushed me, tied me to a chair, and put a sock in my mouth. My mom found me 10 minutes later, took the sock out, and asked, "Why are you tied to a chair?" I told her what happened. She looked at me, laughed, stuffed the sock back in my mouth, and left. FML
I agree, your life sucks 41 487
You deserved it 4 991

Same thing different taste

Top comments

littlelemur 2

YDI for getting ambushed. you should NEVER let your guard down! constant vigilance! lol


Maybe you annoy them and your mom thought so too. I think this is funny!

npk88 0

Agreed...chances are you are really annoying. Your mom and your brother both live you with you (i assume) so they probably feel the same way. I clicked both YDI and FYL because it does suck you had a nasty sock in your mouth; but I have a feeling it's probably because you mouth off and bitch and complain a YDI also.

saranottelling 7

That reminds me of Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire... oh no is FML turning into MLIA?

Thank you, Moody, for those warm words of advice.

littlelemur 2

YDI for getting ambushed. you should NEVER let your guard down! constant vigilance! lol

Jacks_Penguin 0

She is probably not into bondage.

Tamara2011 0

THERE NINJAS I SAY NINJAS!!!!!! bahahahaha :)

Nic_hole 0

Hahahaha that's kinda funny, but sorry, get them back!!

michelstaylor 0

this is beyond fake, but nice tryy.

saranottelling 7

Fake? Just because you can't imagine this happening in your life doesn't mean it isn't true. ~~~ When me and my best friends were little we tied up one of their brothers (who was 14 while we were 10) with scarves and sweaters. One of my friends found a lightweight plastic bat and hit him a few times with it. When we were done we left him there and giggled about how he had to untie himself. The odd thing was, like this FML, his mom knew what we were doing. She took pictures and left him to wiggle his way out.

I agree, this doesn't sound fake. One time my brother and his friend put my jacket on me with the arms in the wrong sleeves and zipped it up all the way. I couldn't get out of it and my mom found me, took a picture and laughed hysterically for several minutes before unzipping the jacket.

middletoe 5

Heck, I used to tie up my babysitter with a jump-rope and hit him with a plastic bat. This doesn't seem fake at all, I agree with the others.

my mom would do something like that, but reight after she put the sock in and turned around, she'd either walk out the door and then come back or turn right back around and release me