By kingwalrus - 12/06/2010 18:55 - United Kingdom

Today, my siblings overpowered me and duct taped me to a chair. Helpless, I had to wait until my dad got home so he could help me. Instead, the first thing he did was reach for his camera to take a picture. FML
I agree, your life sucks 38 066
You deserved it 8 045

Same thing different taste

Top comments

fuzzyporcupine 0

that ones going in the family photo album. :)


lickmyjock 0
FMLRevoluSean 0

Who wouldn't take a pic that's funny not fml

how's it sexy she was tied up by her siblings?

luvpav 0

what does he mean by it's female?

Plus I doubt it was a girl. Their FML username is "kingwalrus" I don't know about you, but I don't know many female kings...

that is funny, learn to suck that up and laugh about it when ur older

Be glad it was your dad that found you in a helpless state.

Krajjan 9

Do what I do and carry a pocket knife. They sure come in handy in times like those. P.S. Put a bloody shirt on, 18. Your droop is scaring the children.

Krajjan 9

And your spray tan, extreme redundancy in makeup application, horrendously colored hair... just sayin'.

Kodak moment! You should chew it over with a Twix.

monsterDONG 6

#23 haha yeah good thing it wasn't your friendly neighbourhood rapist

um okay for one, I didn't have a spray tan and also who cares if I like makeup and colour my hair? I can do what I like and i like it and others do to so I'm not changing it for a few people on some site(:

haha trash talk coming from people without pics?? o.O

i certainly wouldnt kick roxy outa bed for eatin crackers

j3nnif3r_09 0

#18 if it's girls saying that- they are hating bc your sexy and the arent. if it's guys saying that- it's bc they want to **** a girl like you. I know bc I have tons of haters too ;D OP sorry but that's an awesome prank :P

jus sayin' lol people used to give me shit cus of <----- but eh idc lol your welcome 44

hey I don't mind 44s pic, just don't look at it if ur gay because you may turn straight

um 52 I'm not gay :s I have a boyfriend and a 3year old daughter.

all of you stfu about people's pics. you're opinions aren't important enough to change anybody, you just look like assholes...anyway...OP..stop bitching...u know what's gonna happen years from now when u look at that pic? ur gonna laugh..It was a silly moment and ur dad wanted to remember it, you'll live..and as for your siblings, I'm sure you've done stuff to them too.

my baddd i read it wrong!!! I thought you said dotn look at it, she's gay. sorry :) thankyou :D

lmao like that one guys bitching, & complaining will stop people from complenting/ talking about others pic's lmao 

Samantha_baby 0

42- right, like they can't even say anything..

pretty sure anyone who uploads a pic like that is just begging for attention and compliments. you're going to get + and -s but you shouldn't be whining and offended when someone has something to say.

roxxy, I just remembered you were the one who asked people if you were "hot" on another FML. Instead of getting compliments, you got a lot of answers signifying you were not "hot" but someone else was much more "hot" than you instead. I agree with those people when they said you were not hot, and I agree with #28 when he told you to put on a shirt. You scare people with that picture.

I've been duct taped before and my friends just left. oh I also fell down stairs with it

AquaSky 1
Ohxitsxdani 0

Hahah I wouldve done the same.(x

79 is right. Anyone who posts a pic should be prepared for feedback, good or bad. And pics like roxxy's are practically begging for whatever comments they can get. In the spirit of the above, I'd just like to say: 27, I'm not going to sleep peacefully for a week D:

tehamericanboy94 0

Dad: Oh this is sooooooo going on facebook.

cool dad, I woulda done the same thing

you should wait till it all dies down, then when they're all not expecting it smash their camera up then tape it back together with duct tape. then tape it to his car. also if they developed the photo or printed it off print it bigger and stick it on the front of the house and write something like, 'is this what I mean to you?' I'm sure the neighbours would have something to say. maybe the last part is over the top though, as police could get involved and your family could get done got child abuse. just threaten them with that :')

also 18, you have a boyfriend and a kid and you still have photos of you up looking like that? wow. if I was a lad I certainly wouldn't want to be your boyfriend.

ore5150 1

95, luv the firefox shirt LOL

hmmm you must be a very annoying person. sounds like my older guy cousins... good times good times :|

omg almost exact same thing happened to me... only my dad was home and he actually helped my sis...

swhockey02 0

I have done this to someone before, my friend and I duct taped his sister to a door then went outside and played lax for an hour before we helped her

fuzzyporcupine 0

yea, I mean realistically speaking, how could one let such an oppurtuniy pass them by?

ndiesal 0

Oh he just had a little laugh at your expense. We've all been there.

Hahahaha... I'm pretty sure this has either happened to me, or was done to one of my siblings. Just have fun with it.

How the hell do you forget who it was?


my friends did that to me>:| not funn(x hehe but funny as fuckk(:

Your dad knows how to handle his biz. When a photo opp presents itself, take the photo. Seeing as you could post an fml, I'd assume you're "untied", meaning, game well played by your dad, and case closed