By thissucks - 01/03/2009 19:27 - United States

Today, my boyfriend was coming over so I bought this sexy corset, some fishnets, stilettos and see-through thong. After my dad left I dressed up and a few minutes later the doorbell rang. I answered it, whip in hand. It was my dad. He forgot his keys. I'm grounded. FML
I agree, your life sucks 52 779
You deserved it 174 793

Same thing different taste

Top comments

vandaleyes 0

Rule of thumb: If you're young enough to be grounded by your parents, you're probably extremely young to be wearing that. You deserved that one.

"Um... I need to do this for a class."


so your father had forgotten his keys, but why would he ring at the doorbell? he could still get in the house, unless you would have locked him out. and anyway, dont you look who's at your door before openning? i feel terrible for you though, but something similar - maybe even worse - happened to me; my mom walked in on me giving my ex boyfriend a handjob! i know how the embarrassment feels, not to mention the guilt.

Shownis182 0

Man , if I thought I looked hot like that and my boyfriend would enjoy it i would totally be on that , even if I was young. it isn't degrading herself she isn't wearing it on the street corner walking up to cars seeing how much money they have .

strawberryswirl 0

Stupid high schoolers shouldn't dress like hookers. Your fault, sweetie.

zanzibar_fml 0

that is a rad idea. could have ended very sexily if pops wasn't a n00b.

Def need to tone down the hookeresque mentality. Save it for when you have you're own place.

Despite the questionable age thing, which I kinda agree with-- someone young enough to be grounded shouldn't be dressing that way-- I'm kinda surprised by the number of comments calling it disgusting or depraved or anything along those lines. The idea of a girl being comfortable enough with her sexuality and relationship to do that is awesome. That boyfriend is lucky as hell and most guys probably would have gotten hard at the sight.

You, m'dear, have an amazingly lucky boyfriend. Or would've had, I suppose. Less so after that.

well thats crazy just make a copy of ur house key next time and give it to him and tell him to just come right in and if u hear the doorbell put a bath robe on!! DURRRR

Sorry, but I tend to agree with #112 and others. If it's someone you genuinely care about, why not wait awhile? Besides, how would you feel if you were a parent and thought that your teenage daughter was exchanging bodily fluids with a complete stranger inside your own house? You could at least be honest with them and let them know that you intend on getting busy with people when they're not home.