Egg mode activated

By Anonymous - 03/11/2022 18:00

Today, my girlfriend insisted on dressing me up in her clothes, to spice things up. After dolling me up in a dress, heels, wig, etc., she goes to the store for wine but left her key behind. Thirty minutes later, the doorbell goes, so I open it in all my feminine glory, only to see a UPS guy standing holding a parcel and not my girlfriend. FML
I agree, your life sucks 1 021
You deserved it 811

Same thing different taste

Top comments

tiptoppc 19

I gotta give you credit. It’s not often a guy will do this, especially a hetero male. However, I’ve done this before for an ex, without the public embarrassment,and one other time for a charity event at a bar (and felt/had no shame) Nothing looks more bizarre than a line of men, dolled up, sporting beards and mustaches, walking into a biker’s bar then proceeding to take over the place. At least we raised $3,700 USD for charity, anndd… I got hit on (by a female), so it was all good. Kudos on being comfortable enough to do this, even in private!


Good thing he was not holding your girlfriend.

tiptoppc 19

I gotta give you credit. It’s not often a guy will do this, especially a hetero male. However, I’ve done this before for an ex, without the public embarrassment,and one other time for a charity event at a bar (and felt/had no shame) Nothing looks more bizarre than a line of men, dolled up, sporting beards and mustaches, walking into a biker’s bar then proceeding to take over the place. At least we raised $3,700 USD for charity, anndd… I got hit on (by a female), so it was all good. Kudos on being comfortable enough to do this, even in private!

I'm not sure how wearing her clothes would spice things up for either of you. But it would definitely warrant a serious conversation.