By jajaja - 01/03/2009 19:45 - Canada

Today, I got my braces on. When we got in the car my dad looked over and said "well at least we dont have to worry about boys for the next two years." FML
I agree, your life sucks 64 816
You deserved it 4 674

Same thing different taste

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vonstrangle 0

he must not know it's a turn on when girls coordinate their brace elastics with the nearest holiday. haha yyeah. sorry about those little metal guys, you'll be a babe when they come off i'm sure.


DisappearingRose 18

Yeah, he's definatly wrong! I look great in braces and my ex boyfriend and boyfriend thinks I look better. So far my life has been great since I've gotten used to them, but idk how I'm supposed to French kiss ;)

sillybabee 3

um it's impossible for braces to get stuck while making out and crap...I used to have them, I asked my orthodontist((:

iiNfAMoUs_KiiD 3

what !? haha I think girls with braces are cute, well thats if you have a cute face tho lol

Uhmm, he is badly mistaken. My boyfriend has braces and he is so adorable, and French kissing isn't a problem. I would prefer him with braces than without.

yeah they're def cute, long as you're pretty to begin with, they won't make anything worse

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lol What a jerk. Sorry about the braces, though.

He is definately wrong. Boys don't care if a girl wears braces.

nah, don't worry. boys don't really care, unless the boy has braces too. THEN you have a problem...

katiebug 0

Haha that was pretty awful of your dad, but from my experiences, guys don't really care about braces.

vonstrangle 0

he must not know it's a turn on when girls coordinate their brace elastics with the nearest holiday. haha yyeah. sorry about those little metal guys, you'll be a babe when they come off i'm sure.