By Anonymous - 20/10/2018 13:30

Today, my first day at my new job, a guy decided to pay all his parking fines in one go. All £2300 of them. Yes, he did decide to pay it in pennies. Wheelbarrows and buckets full of pennies. That's 230,000 pennies. Guess whose job it was to count them. FML
I agree, your life sucks 3 339
You deserved it 396

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Some places have actually said they won't take change. You can only pay in dollars. Perhaps suggest that to your boss.

Mathalamus 24

That sounds like a funny prank... not for you, of course.


There should be a fine for assholes who pay their fines with pocket change.

In the US the have been cases where the asshole was charged for the man hours it took to count it.

Mathalamus 24

That sounds like a funny prank... not for you, of course.

Some places have actually said they won't take change. You can only pay in dollars. Perhaps suggest that to your boss.

In the u.s. they’d be forced to take the payment as it’s to pay off a debt.

Who the heck does he think he is? Scrooge McDuck?

onceuponatime456 16

I refuse to believe this one! There are machines for counting coins and there is no way any municipal office would accept such a payment! Nice try, though!

VisioningGoblin 4

There are videos online of stuff like this happening, check YouTube by searching "Paying fine in pennies" and just look at all the pricks that show up

Sounds like a great job -- it's one that can never be outsourced to a foreign country or done by robots. Coinstar? Yes, I've heard of Coinstar. Oooooohhh. Sorry, robot.

They wouldn't use a thing like Coinstar for this though, because Coinstar takes 10 cents on the dollar. However, a typical bank has a change counter. They aren't that hard to come by, you can get them for your house even. Counts and rolls coins for you.

Dodge4x4Ram 46

Get a bucket, count 100 coins one time & measure the weight. you'll maximize the time.

If you averaged counting two per second it would still take you nearly 32 hours to count 230,000 pennies. I am dubious.

According to the U.K. coinage act, you do not have to accept more than 20p in 1p or 2p coins if it does not suit you. I researched this specifically so I could use it against customers who came in with bags and bags of them to pay for their groceries.