By Anonymous - 15/04/2016 19:46 - United States - Bronx

Today, I got locked in my boyfriend's garage in my underwear while his parents ripped him a new one for having sex beneath their roof. His sister had to let me out. FML
I agree, your life sucks 23 558
You deserved it 5 052

Same thing different taste

Top comments

That is a bit over the top. They are your boyfriend's parents and can punish HIM however they please for breaking the rules. However, it is neither their right nor their responsibility to discipline you. Calling your parents is to be expected, but what they did was out of line.

Were you guys having sex in the garage? If not then that's kinda f***ed up.


Hazel515 22

Im confused on exactly what happened

they just locked you in there with no clothes on??? the ****

That is a bit over the top. They are your boyfriend's parents and can punish HIM however they please for breaking the rules. However, it is neither their right nor their responsibility to discipline you. Calling your parents is to be expected, but what they did was out of line.

ohsnapword 21

Building on this, if his parents did lock you in their garage, that's called unlawful imprisonment.

And if they forcefully moved her more than 10' to put her there then it's legally classified as a kidnapping/abduction

You people are so brilliant as to know these laws without knowing the state or even country the OP is in. You don't know the age of the people involved. You literally know nothing but think you know everything. Pathetic.

#19 Maybe you should read the FML again, then your comment. Then you can decide who's pathetic

Where does it say NY? It says anonymous.

Are you so ignorant that got think the word 'my' is NY?

The FML was submitted from New York. The location isn't shown on some of the apps right now.

hi1234567891234 15
Justy101 23

@44 why so damn aggressive. Bye, Felicia.

Were you guys having sex in the garage? If not then that's kinda f***ed up.

Still pretty ****** up even if they were.

deathstroke990 22

I agree with #3.... but also it is their roof and if they've established that rule then have sex somewhere else

Not really a valid option for minors. parents need to not be all 1800a about it.

deathstroke990 22

then.... wait to have sex? its not like you're gonna die

#36.where does it say minor? Or adult? Let's do assuming. And parents have the right to set the rules they think are right. If isn't your home. So telling others good to live. And really 1800s? Go back to school (or stay in) and learn some history.

mds9986 24

Shut up, 46. Calling people stupid and pathetic when trying to tell them they are wrong is, in and of itself, stupid and pathetic.

deathstroke990 22

the words stupid or pathetic were never used what

mds9986 24

He called people pathetic in another comment and told people they were stupid by telling them to go to school or stay in it.

So they locked you in the garage? That's a little bit like kidnapping in my opinion.

cheshireau 26

Better under their roof there somewhere unclean and dodgy. Also better to know where their son is and what he's doing then not.

#8 beat me to it. The parents are utterly in the wrong for making a rule that requires their kid to have sex anywhere other than their own home (which 90% of the time would mean somewhere less safe, and less clean). Completely shameful parenting imo. Any respect/trust the boyfriend has in his parents will soon be destroyed if they keep this up. EDIT: this was meant to be a reply to #6's comment, but oops, whatever

nicolai44 12

I don't disagree with you in principle, #12, but I doubt their rule REQUIRES their son to have sex ANYWHERE. To the contrary, I would guess that the spirit of the rule is to discourage him from having sex at all, but they're smart enough to know they can only enforce it in their own home. That's all assuming he's a minor. If he's an adult, that's different. Then it's just about respecting the parents' home that the son CHOOSES to continue living in. There's no good reason two adults can't respect the parents' rule and find a better place. Either way, if the parents deliberately locked OP in the garage, there's no excuse for that, and they don't deserve the respect they demand.

#65 in theory yes, but rules like 'no sex under my roof' only teach kids to do it somewhere else instead (or to be smarter about not getting caught). The rule has a potential for serious harm, and can bring about very little good. It's your kid, not a housemate. Please try to create rules that minimise the potential harm your kid may be exposed to rather than exacerbate it. Don't know where to start? Create a ******* pros and cons chart for god's sake. You're adults, it is not that hard. Not trying to attack you, but I just really despise parents who pull this sort of shit.

Mathalamus 24

the parents have no right to do this. i bet they had sex under their parents roof, right? ******* hypocrites.

ninjuh_wingman 29

Considering that it's their house, they can discipline him however they want for what he does while living there.

They had no right to lock the gf in a garage, but you don't know that they had sex under their parents' house.

@26, he did not volunteer to live in their home. at some point parents need to ease up on biological functions.

At least they didn't kick him out for that, my mom kicked me out for that. Lmao. However, that's embarrassing and uncalled for. They shouldn't have done that to you. Did his sister at least give you your clothes back?

Steve97 32

I'm sorry but YDI on this one. If your BF still lives with his parents then you have to respect their rules in the house. If you're gonna have sex do it else where. While locking you in the garage is ****** up I can still see why they're that upset.

The OP never said that anytime locked them in the garage only that they were locked in it. How do we know they didn't go to hide in the garage when the parents came home and found it locked? On top of that garages are designed to lick people or not in, so I find this story to be BS.

OP might not have known that her bf's parents had that rule.

Steve97 32

She should still know better. And judging by how pissed the parents were I doubt OP and her BF are even 20 years old.

kingdomgirl94 29

She should know better than to break a rule she didn't know about (in this hypothetical). Damn, that's some high-expectation shit right there.