By anti-peecleaner - 22/11/2010 22:35 - United States

Today, my boyfriend walked out of the bathroom, informed me he'd accidentally peed on the floor, and told me I could clean it up when I get a chance. FML
I agree, your life sucks 33 424
You deserved it 5 217

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Disgusting, I'd dump someone that nasty. He's basically a toddler. You'll probably always be cleaning up after him...


sugarr0babby0 0
sensboltsfan84 4

Tell that lazy ass to clean it up himself

sivred 0

haha what a beast! hes my hero xD

Late_night83 25

just clean it with his towel... asshole

What a complete douche! I'd change the locks while he's out of the house.

Ewwww how totally disgusting !!!!! & what a disrespectful lazy ass is right!!!!! I sure hope you ran away from that one

Put it in a cup and give it to him and say u made a special beverage for him and sit back and watch revenge do its magic.