By ImprovTeacher - 16/06/2019 14:05

Today, I was teaching a small group of improv students. I asked one guy to do a monologue, and laughed to myself while he did so. I said, "Sorry, I'm just laughing at the way you're doing it." He then got upset and pointed out that he had a speech impediment. FML
I agree, your life sucks 691
You deserved it 2 392

Same thing different taste

Top comments

You are a terrible teacher if you laugh at your students and even do so in front of the others.

Zekfen 17

Whose cruel idea was it to put the “s” in lisp?


You are a terrible teacher if you laugh at your students and even do so in front of the others.

That’s kind of the point of improv though. If the students are doing it right, then even the teacher will laugh.

Zekfen 17

Whose cruel idea was it to put the “s” in lisp?

SpaceshipOnAcid 9

What kind of teacher openly laughs at their students? You should find a new profession if this is what you do for a stable income.