By catt - 17/10/2014 20:12 - Germany - Berlin

Today, my boyfriend tried to rid me of my hiccups. As he'd screamed at me and I'd pissed my pants, I just burst into tears. FML
I agree, your life sucks 33 541
You deserved it 4 053

Same thing different taste

Top comments

I've never gotten rid of the hiccups by getting scared. Usually a glass of water helps. Or holding my breath. Either one


SexyMexi21 23

What what a senseless retard!!

Screaming helps relieve pressure. And it did !'s the thought that counts I guess?

i swear i just saw the same post on 9gag but with socially awesome/awkward penguin. did anyone else see it to?

i swear i just saw the same post on 9gag but with socially awesome/awkward penguin. did anyone else see it to?

i swear i just saw the same post on 9gag on the boyfriends perspective but with socially awesome/awkward penguin. did anyone else see it to?

anonymous100000 17