By KayyElOh94 - 17/10/2014 22:30 - United States

Today, I woke up to my daughter crying, and my son running through the living room completely naked with her bottle, laughing his head off. FML
I agree, your life sucks 33 725
You deserved it 3 805

Same thing different taste

Top comments

The FML depends on whether the son is 5, 15 or 25...

And the age of the daughter in a way, if she is 1 or 21. It's not entirely unthinkable the daughter is 21 and the son is 25. If my brother would steal my bottle of vodka I would cry.


they are kids (according to another poster). streaking is what kids are really good at. doesn't mean they will grow up running around naked like an idiot.

Ahhh but come their 18th birthday, bottles and a bare bum dare will have them streaking up a storm.

OP never said her son was young.. we're all just hoping D:

The FML depends on whether the son is 5, 15 or 25...

christina3466 17

And the age of the daughter in a way, if she is 1 or 21. It's not entirely unthinkable the daughter is 21 and the son is 25. If my brother would steal my bottle of vodka I would cry.

We need a follow up to see if the kids are young or old

I moderated this FML, the daughter was a few months old and the son I believe was 2. Her fiancé was suppose to be watching them but she woke up to him sleeping next to her and that.

.... #31 you're kidding right? Just in case you're not: smh: shaking my head lmao: laughing my ass off

phoneaddict13... for someone with that username, you don't seem to be up to code...

This thing... it's called Google. Try it! :)

It's times like this when a kid needs a good 'ole spanking.

Omg. Stop him before his whole head falls off!

orbit 22

It's sad when you see them turn to the bottle at such a young age

How old is your daughter and how old is your son?? This will determine how much of an FML this really is

Daughter a few months and son I believe to be 2, her fiancé was suppose to be watching them but slept too.

Glad I'm not the only one who saw the original of this FML.

llamarrama01 21

But if anyone else makes her cry, big bro will come to the rescue