By catt - 17/10/2014 20:12 - Germany - Berlin

Today, my boyfriend tried to rid me of my hiccups. As he'd screamed at me and I'd pissed my pants, I just burst into tears. FML
I agree, your life sucks 33 541
You deserved it 4 053

Same thing different taste

Top comments

I've never gotten rid of the hiccups by getting scared. Usually a glass of water helps. Or holding my breath. Either one


I'm sure I just read the same story on 9gag from the guys perspective

bsmallz3 12

There are a few tricks to help with hiccups such as: holding your breath, sneezing, coughing or anal massage with one finger (not joking, all methods work reasonably well and are medical treatments for hiccups).

Wow, never heard of doing the last one... Will have to keep that in mind, the next time I get the hiccups.

Clearing the throat while pounding the chest works for me.

sohigh10 34

I saw a meme of this from the boyfriend's perspective on 9gag. Either OP likes 9gag, 9gag likes FML or this is one internet minded couple xD

I always just eat something. Works eveytime. except when A hole friends are around saying “those are never going away. ”

ostfaiz 18

so ur hiccups melt away n rinse out of ur eyes n the other eyes'