By Hufflepuff girl - 10/10/2017 11:54

Today, my boyfriend sent me a text saying that last night was awesome. When I said, "What do you mean?" he answered, "Come on Jess, I bet you can't stand straight." My name is Britney, but my friend's name is Jessica. FML
I agree, your life sucks 7 420
You deserved it 429

Same thing different taste

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At least he didn't sleep with your father, Stephen ...

I'd love to hear his explanation for this.


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I'm sorry, what? I'm all for reading between the lines but I got nothing like what you got.

here it is sweetbliss: Today, I was having sex with my boyfriend. When he was about to ******, he screamed "Yes Brittany!" at the top of his lungs. My name's not Brittany. That's his sister. FML

YYYEEEESSSSSS! I got excited when I read this one because of the names and planning to post on it but you beat me!

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Lobby_Bee 17

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In what way does that change the situation?

I'd love to hear his explanation for this.

really_dad? 14

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ffc Squall 14

If you're a true Hufflepuff, you'll forgive and forget. If you're smart, you'll just forget both of them.

LEbleuDESreves 10

a confrontation is needed ... and a cleanup too ?