By Sam - 10/10/2017 16:00

Today, I went to my first ultrasound appointment. The daughter I was hoping for is actually going to be boy triplets. FML
I agree, your life sucks 4 228
You deserved it 1 269

Same thing different taste

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Today, my siblings and I found an FML that came out a few months before we were born. It describes our situation exactly and explains why our younger sister is so well treated. Glad to know we managed to disappoint you in utero, Ma. FML

InfiniteSecret 20

Oh my gosh people you need to chill. Some people want a specific gender, there is nothing wrong with someone wanting a girl or a boy. You make it sound like they said they no longer want the kids because they are boys. Also having triplets means a whole lot more stress on the body.


blueshine 8

I feel your pain, my baby girl we were hoping for to even the numbers turned in to twin boys, 4-1 in our house now!

flyingpotato800 8

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blueshine 8

Your right and I wouldn’t swap my boys for the world but it doesn’t change human nature

Okay, yeah, a baby is a baby (or really a fetus at this point still) but humans are also human and can't help having emotions, including disappointment at something not being what they hoped for.

Go away. Knowone cares if you're triggered

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Sure, but you can't argue with the end results.

Dave Davington: "Sorry but you're not the child I wanted, I'm going to kill you and try again." File this one under "How to out yourself as a psychopath on the Internet in one easy step."

Well they are just killing a fetus. It's sad that they consider the gender that much, but It's not actually killing someone.

Today, my siblings and I found an FML that came out a few months before we were born. It describes our situation exactly and explains why our younger sister is so well treated. Glad to know we managed to disappoint you in utero, Ma. FML

being disappointed in the gender reveal and being overwhelmed by three mouths to feed doesnt mean op is going to mistreat her sons. it means shes a human being experiencing very common feelings.

Can't tell if you're joking or not, but if you aren't, you should take a step back and think. Just like some people are attached to a certain sex, some people want to have a specific sex as their child. It doesn't mean she's going to abuse her sons, it means that she wanted something else. Plus they aren't even human yet. Then there's the fact that there are 3 when she expected 1.

The gender symbol indicates it's a man.

My wife wanted our first to be a girl but as soon as she met our son she knew it was meant to be. We all have preconceived ideas of what we'll do with our kids as they grow up but having a boy is equally as wonderful as having a girl, in their different ways. As long as your 3 boys are all healthy and the pregnancy isn't complicated that's all you should hope for right now. But congrats, 3 trouble makers at once will be fun!

tacosaurus121314 6

this is how i was. i was so sure he was a girl so when we found out he was a boy i was a little disappointed. but i quickly warmes up to the idea of having a boy. and now hes 7.5 months old and i wouldn't change him for anything

Well she can still be disappointed about it until they are born. It doesn't mean that she won't love them. Then she could always end the pregnancy and try for one kid.

Regardless of gender, going from expecting 1 baby to expecting 3 babies is crazy. Good luck, OP!

tacosaurus121314 6

how did you find out the gender at the first ultrasound? generally, the earliest you find o it gender via ultrasound is around 18-20 weeks. the first ultrasound usually takes place around 8-12 weeks. you can do early genetics testing and find out the gender that way but it's blood work and you wouldn't know the results right away

They might not have found out until later in the pregnancy. My mom didn't know she was pregnant with my older sisters until she was 8 months along with the both of them.

tacosaurus121314 6

that's a good point, but with triplets the chances are very high that she would've started showing pretty early. not to mention, women pregnant with multiples tend to go into labor much earlier than if it were a singleton. there's a decent chance that by 8 months she had already given birth

tacosaurus121314 6

that's a good point, but with triplets the chances are very high that she would've started showing pretty early. not to mention, women pregnant with multiples tend to go into labor much earlier than if it were a singleton. there's a decent chance that by 8 months she had already given birth

In this day and age does it really matter what they are in the womb, after all, you can just Ctrl Alt Delete there bits and in no time you'll have girl triplets! Jk, just enjoy having three boys, I'm sure you'll grow very fond of them.

I don't see how this could be "FML" worthy. Triplets or not, boy or girl, those beings are your pride and joy. Maybe I'm just being sensitive, but those are my two cents on the matter.

boopingsnoot 24

One baby is exhausting enough, and costly enough, by themself. Keep in mind a huge belly, increased risk of premature labor, and the ridiculous cost of birth and related hospital expenses here in the US…

Gender disappoint is a REAL thing and society doesn't understand it. Be gentle with yourself, OP! Everything will work out in the end but it is perfectly okay and NORMAL for you to grieve this funky kind of loss -- the loss of something you really wanted and never had. I had gender disappointment too, but now wouldn't trade my child for anything. You aren't alone and it will be okay!