By Anonymous - 28/05/2017 20:00

Today, my boyfriend and I were finally alone and things were starting to get intimate. I was on top of him trying to be sexy, when in my excitement I giggled and called him a "silly girl" by accident. FML
I agree, your life sucks 3 864
You deserved it 1 783

Same thing different taste


And I'm guessing he wasn't into that...sorry man

Do you call your friends that sometimes? Maybe you just said it out of habit.

thats hilarious ? honestly I could see myself doing that, slip of the tounge. Its something that you probably hear a lot in movies or tv shows you know? So thats how you said it in the moment maybe? Mood ruiner but you can always laugh about it later. I'm laughing rn

That's really funny. I'd like to know how he responded to that.