Driving me up the wall

By Rose - 17/05/2021 06:01 - Australia - Castle Hill

Today, I was a month away from being seizure-free long enough to be able to get my licence when I experienced one. FML
I agree, your life sucks 1 036
You deserved it 101

Same thing different taste

Top comments

It sucks, but better now then while driving.

I have a lot of sympathy for the differently abled, but perhaps you just aren't physically capable of driving safely. One seizure behind the wheel is too many.


It sucks, but better now then while driving.

bleachedraven 14

I'm so sorry op, but like the above comment mentioned, at least you are safe.

I have a lot of sympathy for the differently abled, but perhaps you just aren't physically capable of driving safely. One seizure behind the wheel is too many.

someone something 19

Sucks to hear that because it's happened to me before too. seizures aren't easy to deal with and idt people understand how serious they can be. I wish the best for you

I have worked with epileptic patients in hospitals and a private clinic for over 10 years. So many hundreds have histories of seizures while driving and hurting themselves and others, many even with fatalities. It's just not worth it. I KNOW it sucks to not be able to drive, but you just can't do it if your szs aren't under complete control. ☹️

cawsmom 3

Glad you're okay & that someone/something out there was looking after you. I'm truly sorry that you aren't able to get your license.