By JJ - 14/11/2009 03:07 - Canada

Today, my boyfriend of three years sent me a text saying: "I don't think we can see each other anymore, the nights were great, but I think I'm falling in love with Julie". I'm Julie. FML
I agree, your life sucks 49 519
You deserved it 2 935

Same thing different taste

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They were dating for three years before this. I'm going to give the poster the benefit of the doubt and say they were supposed to have been exclusive through most of that. Thus, he was cheating on her. And he's a dick.


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Spitfire86 0

who is to say he wont go and cheat again? And they were together for 3 years, how long was he cheating? And it took 3 years for him to fall in love? It's fishy and you shouldn't stay with him.

janise 2

Uh maybe because he was cheating for God knows how long. BTW I sure hope your post was sarcasm and you weren't being serious. This was in response to Cracker's comment

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OLOtheDemigodess 0

after three years and cheating on her, he 'thinks he' starting to fall in love with her' I don't call that 'he's in love with you' He doesn't even know for sure, he only 'thinks' that all in all, it is an FML, no 'good news' whatsoever

Stay with him, and completely cut off sex... the relationship will eventually end and he suffers more that way.

awsomechick212 0
RachelTheLoser 0
pedosmurf 7

Fake and gay give him another chance

"Or maybe you hate his mom". Wow. Where did THAT come from?

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No, that only means that he's gonna cheat on her, and mistakenly send a text to Shaniqua one day that says, "I don't think we can see each other anymore, the nights were great, but I think I'm falling in love with Shaniqua".

At least he's falling in love with you? ... Hasn't he had THREE years to do that already???

FLirt 0

lol that made me rofl for the first time in 4eva!

xD take it as a compliment I suppose? then depends on how you think of it.

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They were dating for three years before this. I'm going to give the poster the benefit of the doubt and say they were supposed to have been exclusive through most of that. Thus, he was cheating on her. And he's a dick.

Actually I read this as he was cheating on someone else with her.

derpina72 23

It's sweet and all that he's falling in love with her, but I don't think they had an agreement to see other people during those three years like you and your SO did.

"I don't think we can see each other anymore, the nights were great, but I think I'm falling in love with *insert-name-here*"

On the bright side, at least he chose you... But yeah, he's an ass. Tell him if he's so "in love" he should at least care enough to send the text to the right person...and that the feeling's definitely NOT mutual.

Tracking devices work wonders on men. Just remember not to put them in too many squirrels though.

You should dump him for not knowing that "each other" is two words. Sure, his being able to break off his affair because he realizes that it's you he really needs is commendable and all, but do you REALLY want to spend the rest of your life with a man of questionable grammar?

123sploosh 0
janise 2

How is breaking up with your mistress commendable?

Psygod 2

I think that's called sarcasm. Now, on topic... 3 years??? and only now he thinks he's in love with you? **** that, **** him.

I always thought eachother was one word not each other lol